Community Chest Awards 2023

Singapore, 25 October, 2023:  Declarators received the Community Chest SHARE Award 2023 under the Gold category.


The Community Chest Award 2023 ceremony was hosted in the Istana and the event was graced by the Guest-of-Honour, President Tharman Shanmugaratnam and Ms Jane Ittogi, and Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Social and Family Development, Mr Eric Chua.


The annual Community Chest Awards (CCA) honours organisations and individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the social service sector by caring for the less fortunate within our community.


We are extremely honoured to receive the award together with other government statutory boards.Together, we shall champion the potential of communities in need and work collectively to build a more inclusive Singapore.


Click here to view the list of winners for 2023.



The SHARE Awards recognise organisations with employees on SHARE for their high participation rate. The organisation must have contribute regularly for at least nine months within the assessment period.

In order to achieve SHARE GOLD, participation rate has to be between 80% to 89%

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