Our Pledge

Substainable Employment Pledge

We have pledged our commitment with SBF (Singapore Business Federation) to sustainable employment.


Sustainable Employment involves purposeful action by companies to cultivate their workforce for present and future needs. It is known that socially conscious and responsible companies have consistently enjoyed long-term performance.

Employment's Pledge of Fair Employment Practices

We have signed the Employer’s Pledge of Fair Employment Practices. It symbolically signals that we agree with the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) towards adopting our principles of human resource management.


“By being a fair employer you will be able to attract , develop and retain valued employees and create a harmonious and inclusive work environment.” – TAFEP, Singapore


The 5 Principles of Fair Employment Practices are:

– Recruit and select employees on the basis of merit (such as skills, experience or ability to perform the job), regardless of age, race, gender, religion, marital status and family responsibilities, or disability.

– Treat employees fairly and with respect and implement progressive human resource management systems.

– Provide employees with equal opportunity to be considered for training and development based on their strengths and needs to help them achieve their full potential.

– Reward employees fairly based on their ability, performance, contribution and experience.

– Abide by labour laws and adopt the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices.


Implementing Flexible Work Arrangements (FWA)

We have implemented Flexible Work Arrangements (FWA) to our work culture.


“FWAs enable employers to attract and retain employees, widen their potential recruitment pool to tap on employees of different demographic profiles and work experience, and become more nimble in manpower deployment. Research has shown that FWAs also increase employee engagement and productivity.” – TAFEP Singapore


Total Defence Pledge

In alignment with our NS Mark Gold Credentials, we have pledged our support to Total Defence. 


The way war is conducted today, our limited resources, the nature of our society and the size of our country, require that our country have a Total Defence capability which involves not only the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) but also the civilian population.


Through Total Defence, every sector of society is mobilised and has a part to play to ensure Singapore’s security.


In Total Defence, our people are organised to defend the country against all forms of attack, both military and non-military. Total Defence comprises the 6 pillars viz. Military, Civil, Economic, Social, Digital and Psychological Defence.

Enabling Employment Pledge

We have pledge our support to President’s Challenge Enabling Employment Pledge. Signing the pledge shall reaffirm to below commitments.

Adopt an inclusive mindset towards employees with disabilities
  • Recognise that employees with disabilities are capable of contributing and bringing value as all other employees do
  • Create a work culture that welcomes and respects employees with disabilities
  • Treat employees with disabilities fairly and with dignity
  • Enable employees with disabilities to have access to information, activities and opportunities at work like the other employees
Create barrier-free workplace environments
  • Create a conducive workplace that is non-discriminatory, safe and friendly to employees with disabilities
  • Ensure that work-related programmes and facilities are accessible to employees with disabilities
  • Embrace innovation and technology as enablers to employability, productivity and independence of employees with disabilities at the workplace

Brands for Goods Pledge

By pledging our support towards Brands for goods, we are committed to uphold the ethos of being an honourable brand, that will uphold the stewardship of doing what is right, and what is good for the community, for people, for the environment, when conducting our business


The pledge shall involve:


1️⃣ Committing to align our business with ethical and sustainable practices.
2️⃣ Championing social and environmental causes that matters to the community.
3️⃣ Empowering and uplifting underrepresented voices and communities.
4️⃣ Sharing our journey, inspiring others, and collaborate with fellow activists.
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