Our Accreditation Marks
Data Protection Essentials (DPE) 1O1
We have been accredited with Data Protection Essentials (DPE) 101 as of December 2023.
The Data Protection Essentials (DPE) programme, introduced by the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) is a key initiative in promoting cyber security in Singapore and supports organizations in acquiring a basic level of data protection and security practices to protect their customers’ personal data and recover quickly in the event of a data breach.
We are delighted to be accredited with the DPE 101 Mark, which recognizes our efforts to put in place basic data protection standard.

Cyber Essentials Mark
We have been accredited with Cyber Essentials Mark as of 7th November 2023.
Administered by the Cyber Security Agency of Singapore, the Cyber Essentials Mark aims to enable organisations to prioritise the cybersecurity measures needed to safeguard their systems and operations from common cyber-attacks.
We’re proud to be accredited with the Cyber Essentials Mark Mark, which reinforces our commitment to ensure good cyber hygiene measures.

Progressive Wage (PW) Mark
We have been accredited with the Progressive Wage (PW) Mark as of 21st March 2023.
Administered by the Singapore Business Federation (SBF), the PW Mark is testament that organizations are committed to treating their employees fairly and supporting them to deepen their skills and extend their productive longevity.
We’re proud to be accredited with the Progressive Wage (PW) Mark, which reinforces our commitment to ensuring progressive and sustainable wages for our dispatch riders.

We have pledged our commitment with MINDEF (Ministry of Defence, Singapore) to support National Service and Total Defence with our policies and human resource practices.
- We will honour and uphold our duty as employers of NSmen as laid out in the Enlistment Act (Cap 93, Part VI).
- We will recognise and appreciate the skills acquired and values inculcated in our NSmen through National Service.
- We will actively support our NSmen to manage their National Service commitments.
- We will readily commit our civil assets and services in support of Total Defence and support our nation in national crises or emergencies

We have taken our National Service commitment to another level by being accredited with NS Mark (GOLD).
Those with a higher level of support that have implemented policies and human resource practices that support National Service and Total Defence may progress to attain the NS Mark (GOLD).
We are committed in supporting our employees who uphold the peace and stability of our nation, and will continue to support National Service and NSmen with their contribution to our National Defence in the many years to come and beyond!
“Nothing creates loyalty and national consciousness more speedily and more thoroughly than participation in defence and membership of the armed forces … the nation building aspect of defence will be more significant if its participation is spread out over all strata of society. This is possible only with some kind of national service.” – Dr. Goh Keng Swee

We have taken accredited with Enable Mark – Silver as of May 2024.
The Enabling Mark is a national-level accreditation framework by SG Enable that benchmarks and recognises organisations for their best practices and outcomes in disability-inclusive employment.
We are committed to building disability inclusiveness. Presence of the mark signals that the Declarators is:
- Empowering Declarators is open to hiring people with different abilities. It treats people with respect, and builds strong teams that leverage on different strengths. It values each individual and enables them to fulfil their potential.
- Innovative Declarators adapts jobs and services to provide reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities. This allows for the development of greater flexibility, new insights and an innovative mindset.
- Collaborative Declarators is open to different perspectives, and seeks to make people feel integrated, included and valued. Its focus is on achieving more through teamwork, not individual effort alone. It embraces mutually beneficial relationships with employees, stakeholders and partners.