Why Choose Declarators?
Here are the top 12 reasons why companies and individuals choose to engage our services and why you should too!
1. A Company that is loved by their Clients

We offer the most competitive prices for customs permit declaration in Singapore. We aim to ensure our client’s shipment to be custom cleared within the fastest time at lowest cost.
We are the only service provider in Singapore dedicated to provide one-stop permit declarations, local despatch service and Carnet/COO applications altogether.
We are one of the very few declaring agents to have lodge Banker’s Guarantee with Singapore Customs. We are able to declare temporary import items with invoice value up to SGD11.10 Million per shipment.
4. A Fast Growing Local Company
From a small company in Singapore with one employee, Declarators has grown tremendously in just a few short years, to become a well-known company in the logistics industry with more than 90 employees.
We were ranked 19th from The Straits Times “Singapore’s Fastest Growing Companies” Award 2021 , ranked 22nd from The Straits Times “Singapore’s Fastest Growing Companies” Award 2022, ranked 37th from The Straits Times “Singapore’s Fastest Growing Companies” Award 2023, ranked 28th from The Straits Times “Singapore’s Fastest Growing Companies” Award 2024, ranked 28th from The Straits Times “Singapore’s Fastest Growing Companies” Award 2025.
Our team of local declarants strive to help our clients by providing excellent services while aligning with our five core values, reliability, flexibility, responsive, speed, accuracy.

5. A Company with Recognized Certifications
Certified with ISO9001:2015 and bizSafe Level 3, we ensure highest level of quality (Permit Declarations) and safety (Couirer) in our services.
Certified with ISO14001:2015, we have a proper environmental management system (EMS).
All our Declarants have successfully passed the customs competency test and are certified by Singapore Customs. We are well verse in all types of permits (Air/Sea/Road).
We are also licensed by SFA for the Registration to Import Processed Food Products and Food Appliances (IP) and for Import/Export/Transhipment of Meat and Fish Products (IM)
The company is certified with ECO Office under “Professional Tier” as of 12th Dec 2022.
The company has also been accredited with Cyber Essentials Mark and DPE 101 Essentials.
We are honoured to have received won these awards, which serves as a recognition to our hardwork and dedication to serving our customers.
7. A Company that is Recognized by the Media in Singapore
Declarators is featured on the Singapore Business Review for nabbing the National Business Awards 2020 (Best Declaring Agent), the SME Magazine for winning the SME 100 (Fast Moving Companies) 2020 Award , the Straits Times for winning the Singapore’s Fastest Growing Companies Award 2021,2022,2023 & 2024 the Financial Times and Nikkei Asia for being listed in the Top 500 High-Growth Companies Asia Pacific 2021 by the Financial Times, Nikkei and Statista – Ranked #99th, Yahoo Finance and Asiaone for winning 8 awards in 2021, the Business Times for clinching Brands for Goods 2023.
We are also featured in the Sunday Times and the Peak for clinching the Spirit of Enterprise 2022 and Zaobao for the Entrepreneur of the Year 2022.
Shin Ming and Berita Harian featured our courageous despatch supervisor, Mr Zakee Bin Zulkifli for being award the SCDF Community First Responder Award for his commendable act in putting out fire from a lorry truck while on work duty.
8. A Company that is a member of Reputable Associations in Singapore
We are members of the Singapore Logistics Associations (SLA), Singapore Aircargo Agents Association (SAAA), Singapore Transport Association (STA), Singapore Business Federation (SBF), Singapore National Employers Federation (SNEF) , Association of Small & Medium Enterprises (ASME) , Singapore Manufacturing Federation (SMF), Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SCCCI), Singapore Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SICCI) , Singapore Malay Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SMCCI) and Business-to-Business Exchange (BBX).
We are also partners with GeTS (Global eTrade Services) Asia Pte Ltd. GETS is a subsidiary of Crimsonlogic (the leading provider of eGovernment products and services, based in Singapore)
Employees are our most valuable assets, they work very hard to strive in our fast-paced environment and eventually plays a major role in growing our organization. They are often the results of excellent customer reviews. To acknowledge our employee’s contribution, Declarators will try to organize as many team bonding & events as possible.
Declarators recognises the importance of growing our business in a socially responsible manner that creates positive impacts. We firmly believe that success is not measured solely based on our growth and achievements. At Declarators, the culture of giving is inculcated in our DNA.

Declarators recognises the importance of green initiatives for our workspace & employees. We also recognize that a healthy planet means a sustainable life for future generations.
We are committed to a sustainable future and to improving the social, economic and environmental well being of the community.
12. A Company that Truly Cares about Fair Employment Practices and Substainable Employment
We have pledged our commitment with MINDEF (Ministry of Defence, Singapore) to support National Service and Total Defence with our policies and human resource practices. Our NS Mark and NS Mark Gold accreditations reaffirms our commitment.
We have signed the Employer’s Pledge of Fair Employment Practices. It symbolically signals that we agree with the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) towards adopting our principles of human resource management.
“By being a fair employer you will be able to attract , develop and retain valued employees and create a harmonious and inclusive work environment.” – TAFEP, Singapore. We have adopted four Tripartite Standards – Flexible Work Arrangements, Unpaid Caregiving Leave, Work-Life Harmony and Term Employment.
We have pledge our support to President’s Challenge Enabling Employment Pledge as we aim to Create a work culture that welcomes and respects employees with disabilities.
We’re proud to be accredited with the Progressive Wage (PW) Mark, which reinforces our commitment to ensuring progressive and sustainable wages
for our dispatch riders.
By pledging our support towards SG Women in Tech , we are committed create a conducive environment with strong support systems more to attract, retain and develop more women professionals.
By pledging our support towards Brands for goods, we are committed to uphold the ethos of being an honourable brand, that will uphold the stewardship of doing what is right, and what is good for the community, for people, for the environment, when conducting our business