Donation to DAS of Singapore 2024

July 2024 , We contributed SGD5,000 to the Dyslexia Association of Singapore (DAS) and presented our cheque in the presence of Mr. Lee Siang, CEO of DAS

In appreciation, Mr. Lee Siang presented Mr. Javier Yip, Founder and Managing Director of Declarators, with an artistic drawing created by one of their 11-year-old students, along with a copy of the book “Embrace a Different Kind of Mind: Personal Stories of Dyslexia,” edited by Ms. Deborah Hewes.

This marks Declarators’ third consecutive year of supporting DAS, reflecting our ongoing commitment to contribute regularly.

Dyslexia is a specific learning difficulty characterized by challenges in language learning and cognition, particularly impacting skills in accurate and fluent word reading and spelling.

DAS is a dynamic organization with dedicated professionals who provide a comprehensive range of services for individuals with dyslexia in Singapore. Their EMBRACE DYSLEXIA campaign aims to dispel common misconceptions about dyslexia, encourage individuals with dyslexia to embrace their unique learning styles, and urge organizations to take proactive steps in supporting dyslexics by collaborating with DAS.

#declarators #DAS #Dyslexia #CSR

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