ST Fastest Growing Companies 2024

Singapore, 23 Jan, 2024: The Straits Times and market research firm Statista awarded Declarators with the Singapore’s Fastest Growing Companies 2024 Award. Declarators is ranked #28 out of the top 100 Fastest Growing Companies in Singapore. This is the 4th consecutive year the Company achieved top 50 ranking. Click here to view the list of winners and their rankings.



Singapore’s fastest-growing companies is a list of 100 local firms that achieved markedly high revenue growth between 2019 and 2022.


In addition, through research in company databases and other public sources, Statista identified more than 2,000 companies in Singapore as potential candidates for the ranking. These companies were invited by post, e-mail and telephone to participate in the competition.

There were strict criteria – they had to be independent companies headquartered in Singapore with at least $150,000 of revenue generated in 2019, and $1.5 million in 2022.

The calculation of growth rates was based on the revenue figures submitted by the companies in their respective national currencies. These figures were then converted into Singapore dollars for comparison.

The result is a list of companies ranked by compound annual growth rate, which is calculated by taking into account revenue growth over the three-year period.


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